Parking Charge Notice
If you’ve parked your car in a way that doesn’t comply with the current parking regulations, LKP may issue a control fee or a parking charge notice. These differ somewhat, and below we’ll explain what applies to a parking charge notice.
Got a blue-green ticket? Click here to learn more.
Yellow Ticket
The yellow ticket is a parking charge notice issued by LKP on behalf of Lund municipality that own the land of the car park in question. Parking charge notices are issued in public street areas, such as parking on streets and squares. The parking charge notice is considered a violation of the law, for example if you’ve parked in an unauthorized area or without a valid parking permit. The fee is 500, 800 or 1300 SEK, depending on the gravity of the violation. The fee is determined by the municipal council.
The fee is payed to bankgiro account 5051-6905.
See the back of the yellow ticket for more information about payment.
For more information, visit the Swedish Transportation Agency’s website here.
Payment via QR code
You may also choose to pay by scanning the QR code on the ticket for a faster and smoother experience. Please note that there is an additional fee from Paypr who provides this service if you choose this method of payment.
Scanning the QR code offers payment by credit/debit card or Swish for cars registered in Sweden, and credit/debit card for cars registered abroad.
What did I do wrong?
To find out on which grounds you have been issued the parking charge notice, please see the section “Överträdelse” (“Violation”) on your ticket.
How do I appeal?
The task of handling appeal processes regarding parking charge notices on public streets has been assigned to the police, by the government. If you wish to appeal, contact the police office in the district where your parking charge notice was issued. You can also call 11414 and ask them to connect you to your local police station.
In order for the appeal to be processed, it must be received within six months after the fee has been paid or the Enforcement Authority has taken measures for exaction.
Regulations on payment are stated in the law (1976:206) and the ordinance regarding parking charge notices (1976:1128).

Do I have to pay the fee even if I choose to appeal?
You should pay the parking charge notice to Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency) within the specified time. If not, you will be charged a higher fee and after some time the case will be handed over to the Enforcement Authority for exaction. This applies whether you’ve appealed or not.
See the back of the yellow ticket for more information regarding payment.
Payment from abroad
Use the following information if you need to pay your parking charge notice from abroad.
IBAN: SE4712000000012810117683
Danske Bank
SE-103 92 Stockholm
For more information visit the Swedish Transportation Agency’s website here.
If you win the appeal regarding the parking charge notice, the fee you’ve already paid will be refunded by the Swedish Transport Agency.
Additional questions
For more information, contact the police office in the district where your parking charge notice was issued. You can also call 11414 and ask them to connect you to your local police station.